Thomas in a treeWhen: Selected Friday Riverview School District half-days from 1:30-3:30

  • Who: 3rd-5th graders (Need not attend Riverview Schools)
  • Where: Carnation Tree Farm!
  • What: A variety of workshops ranging from poetry to stories to creating a play.
  • 7 wkshps =$155 6=$150 5=$135 4=$120 3=$99 2=$70 1 = $45


Sniffing Out a Story 1 — March 6
A good story makes readers feel like they’re there, seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and hearing everything on the page. So what happens when a writer hears a strange sound, smells an intriguing scent, and tastes something delicious? What story may come from unexpected surprises? Find out!


Sniffing Out a Story 2 – March 20
Bring your story and tweak a little here and a little there to make it even better. Then we’ll read them around the fire – with marshmallows!


Poet to Poet (with special guest poet Maya Ganesan) – April 3
I thought the earth remembered me – Mary Oliver
And it was at that age…poetry arrived in search of me – Pablo Neruda
And every morning I went to the willow grove and brushed the trunks and I whispered questions like, How are you doing? and, Is it very cold here at night?—Maya Ganesan

Words can stir something secret inside us. That something is poetry. If we let other poets speak to us, then we will have something to say. Ask Maya Ganesan who, at age 11, is a published poet. Maya cannot read poems without writing poems. I think you’ll find her words have the same effect on you! Listen to poems by Maya and other published poets, then write and read your own. Maya will bring her new book, Apologies to an Apple and you can take home a signed copy.


Where the Stories Live 1 — May 1
In a hidden hollow beneath gnarled branches; behind a boulder under vines; atop a grassy mound where deer stop to listen: here is where the stories live. Why sit at a desk waiting for stories? Stories pounce when you least expect them. Lie down on the earth; sneak up on a rabbit; run down a hill – and you’ll catch the stories wild. Dress for outside and be ready to imagine.


Where the Stories Live 2 – May 15
Maybe your story can live in a magazine! Katherine will show you how professionals submit their stories and help you make your own submission to a magazine such as Stone Soup, which publishes work by kids. Even if your story is not published, you’ll be on your way to being a pro! Send your story to Katherine in a Word file by May 10 and it will go in our class book.


The Play’s the Thing 1 — June 5
“In which we create a play on June 5 and perform it on June 12.” (Has Katherine lost her mind?)

Acting is making stories on your feet. In this workshop, you will come as a character you create (costumes welcome) and discover that you and the other characters are part of the same story. This story will become our play.


The Play’s the Thing 2 – June 12
Come with your costume and props. Today’s the day we rehearse like mad so that our parents can see our play at 3:30. (Allow 15-20 minutes for an outdoor performance)


contact: to register.

Friday Half-Day Writing Workshops for Grades 3-5