Classes for Teens and Adults
Are You a Teen Who Writes?

You’ve made such a difference in my kids’ lives that it’s almost hard to believe. Because they met you, they’ve grown into confident, inquisitive, creative souls who are not afraid. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. –Heather Ross, Parent
TEENWrite Acting, TEENWrite Novel-Writing and TEENWrite Epic Events can be found on the TEENWrite website!
Summer Novel Writing Day Camp at Uppercase Bookshop in Snohomish
July/August. Three week-long classes:
What’s the Big Idea: From Idea to Storyline
Plotting and Scheming: Plan Your Novel from Start to Finish
Talking to Your Characters: Create Characters so Authentic They’ll Talk Back!

Summer Teenage Novelist Series at Bellevue College
These classes take place in week-long sessions in the middle part of the summer
Are You an Adult Who Writes?
Call and Response Writing Conference
June 15, Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Duvall, WA
A day of exploring writing as a spiritual calling
Workshops from award-winning authors
Poetry: The Sacred Moment
Ask about bringing this and other workshops to your organization.
Some moments surprise us into silence and are memorable in their very simplicity. Using objects, listening, and quiet observation find your “sacred moment” and put words to it. Don’t be shy if you have never written a poem. This is simply an exploration. Any who are willing to share their words may do so, but no one will be forced to read. Please bring along an object that has meaning for you. Photographs are fine, but sometimes this works better if it is a more tactile object. You’ll want to make sure you have paper and a pen, as well.
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