Teen Classes

Teen Writers Challenge Cohort

Tuesdays, 4-6 PM, PT, June 30-August 25, 8 sessions (No class July 14) Via Zoom

(Class size 4-6 students) $499

This class is for a select group of writers ages 12-15 with a high level of dedication to their craft. Focus will be on creating a work of fiction, memoir, or poetry. This may be a short work; it may be the start of a book. We will approach our work as professionals, with a view to what is publishable. While publication is not in the scope of this first class, subsequent classes may include submission to publishers or writing contests.

Sessions will focus on plot, character development, and writing effective scenes. Focus points on grammar, punctuation and usage essential to good writing will be embedded in the instruction (e.g. proper use of tense, how semicolons can strengthen your work, active vs passive, etc.) Class includes lecture, activities and time to share your work. Each week you will submit 750 words for written review by Katherine.

Application Process:

The ideal candidate for this class is a student who loves writing for its own sake—not just to please someone else. This course is for writers; you needn’t have perfect spelling or grammar, but you need to write for your own enjoyment.

A maximum of six teen writers will be selected, after submission of 750 words of fiction, personal essay or poetry.

Prospective students should submit their writing sample, double-spaced, to author (at) KatherineGraceBond (dot) com. When spots are filled, no more applications will be accepted.

Bellevue College

“My teenager took the series of classes from Katherine Bond, finished one novel and has almost finished another. Katherine is a great teacher, and the students in the class formed a powerful creative community. If you’re on the fence, go for it!” – Rebecca Larson, Parent of Summer Teen student.

Each summer Katherine teaches teens at Bellevue College’s North Campus in Redmond, WA. Registration opens March 18, 2020

Writer’s Intensive

Monday-Thursday, July 13-16, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, PT via Zoom

Are you a fiction writer, poet, blogger, songwriter or I-don’t-know-what-to-call-this writer? Come read, laugh, and write! We’ll show you techniques for coaxing secrets out of your characters, untangling unwieldy plots, getting to the heart of your poem or story, and making your words sing. If you want to share your work (and it’s okay if you don’t), we’re here to listen and offer feedback in the safe, supportive community we create together.

Register early through Bellevue College to ensure a spot. Classes fill quickly.