Hey writer! It’s time to come out of your cave.
We need each other; come find your tribe!
Offered in cooperation with Epicwrite, a nonprofit organization
At Aljoya Thornton Place Bistro in Seattle
Tuesdays, October 9 – November 27
Storying (adults)––6:00-8:00
At Notewordies, Kirkland
Alternate Wednesdays, beginning October 3 (We will meet in person on Oct 3, 17, 31, Nov 14, 28, Dec 12, with critique webinar sessions during the “off” weeks. In-person sessions will also be livestreamed for those who wish to take the class remotely.)
The Plot Thickens (Adults)––1:30-3:30
In this course, students will focus on structuring the novel–often the most challenging part of novel-writing. Discover the three words that drive your entire story. Find out how to avoid mid-novel sag and how to keep your reader turning pages all the way to the end. By the end of the session you will have a complete outline of your novel, and a synopsis–“The story of the story”.
Plotting and Scheming (Teens)–4:00-6:00 (Same content as “The Plot Thickens,” but for novelists aged 13-18)
At Beverly Lake, Everett
One-Day Screenplay Workshop with Allen Wolf–Saturday, October 27, 10:00-5:00
Day Retreat for Writers: Unfolding Your Wings–Saturday, December 1, 10:00-5:00 “Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.”—Ray Bradbury
Don’t forget Summer’s Fourth Annual Full-Bodied Writing Retreat!--June 28-30
Stay tuned for a brand new thing:
I know how important it is for you to be in community with other writers. We’re working on creating an online writing community that will allow you to talk together, post your work, get critique, take online classes and find each other so you can meet up in person. I want to make it easy for you to stay in touch between classes and events and to invite people to join us who may live far away. More on this soon! Please get in touch if you’d like to know how you can be involved.